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Starkey Hearing Aid Products | Bay Audio

Founded in 1967, Starkey’s goal is to make lives richer by empowering individuals to reach their full potential.

The Starkey Hearing Foundation has, to date, fitted free hearing aids to over 1 million people in need across the globe.

Bay Audio are proud to provide Starkey’s innovative, high-performance and evidence-based hearing aid technologies to our customers. Read on to find out what Starkey hearing aid products Bay Audio sell.

SoundLens Synergy iQ

The Starkey SoundLens Synergy iQ hearing aids are the most popular (and advanced) hearing solution offered by Starkey. They’re the world’s smallest and most comfortable hearing aids, custom-fitted to sit invisibly within your ear canal.

Benefits of the SoundLens Synergy iQ hearing aid:

  • Starkey Sound™ provides immersive listening and pristine noise quality
  • Gradual adjustment settings for a seamless transition to hearing aids
  • Sound comfort technology for distortion-free listening
  • Advanced Multiflex Tinnitus technology


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Starkey Livio AI

The Starkey Livio AI hearing aid is a model unlike any other. It’s the world’s first hearing aid to feature artificial intelligence sensors that can track your body and brain health activities. The device is also able to send fall alerts if it registers a hard impact.

Benefits of the Starkey Livio AI hearing aid:

  • Hearing Reality™ technology for newly enhanced speech clarity
  • Best-in-class feedback cancellation system for no buzzing or whistling
  • Easy adjustments to your hearing aid on the go with the Thrive™ app
  • 24 hours of hearing from one charge


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Starkey Muse iQ

The Starkey Muse iQ hearing aid allows you to seamlessly and easily be part of any moment or situation. It’s unique Acuity™ Immersion Directionality is designed to mimic the benefits of natural hearing, as well as improving speech audibility in difficult listening situations such as parties or restaurants.

Benefits of the Starkey Muse iQ hearing aid:

  • Easy to use rechargeable power solution
  • Consistent wireless performance when using phone, TV or other media
  • Surface NanoShield™ to repel water, wax and moisture
  • Advanced Multiflex Tinnitus Technology for tinnitus relief


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Starkey Evolv AI

Starkey applied all their understanding of the profound impacts of hearing loss into the creation of their Evolv AI hearing aids – their latest and greatest breakthrough in making better hearing as effortless as possible.

Benefits of the Starkey Evolv AI hearing aid:

  • Automatically adjusts up to 55 million times/hour for exceptional sound quality
  • The world’s first and only 2.4GHz custom rechargeable hearing aids
  • Voice streaming with iPhones and iPads
  • Entertainment streaming with TV, radio and audio devices
  • Controllable via Thrive smartphone app
  • Wide range of accessories


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Starkey Evolve AI

Your Hearing Technology Experts

Bay Audio are the hearing technology experts, and can find the perfect hearing aid for you to ensure you can continue to enjoy life as normal, no matter what the cause of your hearing loss is. Make a booking enuiry today to confirm the type and extent of your hearing loss, and find the perfect hearing solution for your needs.

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