How to Put On & Remove a Hearing Aid
New to the world of hearing aids? While handling a hearing aid may feel strange initially, with a little practice, it doesn’t take long to become second nature.
Whether you have an in-the-ear (ITE), receiver-in-canal (RIC) or behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aid, the steps for inserting and removing them are relatively simple.
Read on for a step-by-step guide to get it right.
Before putting hearing aids in
Like anything, learning to put in and take out your hearing aid takes practice. Each time you do it, it becomes a little easier and a bit quicker.
Be sure to follow the instructions provided by your hearing care professional though, as they know the type and model of hearing aid you’re using.
And before you leave your appointment, it’s a good idea to practice a few times while you’ve got the professional there to help if you need it.
What is the correct way to insert a hearing aid?
Depending on the brand and model you have, inserting your hearing aid may be slightly different, which is why it’s best to follow your hearing care provider’s instructions.
In saying that, there are some general guidelines when it comes to handling your hearing aid. Making sure you position it correctly, for example, is important. If it’s not quite sitting right, you mightn’t get the most out of your aid.
Plus, inserting your hearing aid will be different depending on whether you have an in-the-ear (ITE), receiver-in-canal (RIC) or behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aid.
Here are the guidelines for each.
ITE hearing aids are custom-made so that they fit snugly in the canal and the bowl of the ear. Here’s how to get it right:
1. Hold the hearing aid between your thumb and index finger, ensuring the markings (battery door) face upward.
2. Insert the hearing aid into your ear canal.
3. Turn slightly until it fits into the natural shape of your ear. If you’ve inserted it correctly, it should feel secure in the bowl of your ear.
Every brand and model of RIC hearing aids are a little different, so you may need to tweak the way you insert yours to suit. But here are the general steps you should take.
1. Remove glasses or anything that may be tucked behind your ear.
2. Hold the top of the hearing aid between your thumb and index finger and slide the hearing aid over the top of your ear then tuck it behind your ear.
3. Using your thumb and index finger, hold the dome from the wire dangling on the front of your ear, and push it gently into your ear canal. You shouldn’t experience any pain or discomfort while doing this.
4. If your aid has a stabiliser (a thin plastic arm attached to the speaker), it’ll stick out across your earlobe. Insert the wire into the bowl of your ear using your index finger and thumb. Over time, the stabiliser wire will mould to the shape of your ear and tuck easily into the bowl of your ear.
5. You’ll know it’s inserted correctly when the wire lays flush against your head – you shouldn’t see anything sticking out when you look directly into a mirror.
Again, every brand and model of RIC hearing aids are slightly different, so always follow your ear care provider’s instructions. But here are the general steps you should take for inserting a BTE hearing aid.
1. Remove glasses or anything that may be tucked behind your ear.
2. Using your thumb and index finger, grab the top of the hearing aid and slide it over the top of your ear. Then the thin plastic tube behind your ear.
3. Using your thumb and index finger, hold the dome from the wire dangling on the front of your ear, and push it gently into your ear canal. Be careful not to kink the tube when placing the dome or earmold in your ear. You shouldn’t experience any pain or discomfort when inserting the dome.
4. If your aid has a stabiliser (thin plastic arm attached to the speaker), it’ll stick out across your earlobe. Insert the wire into the bowl of your ear using your index finger and thumb. Over time, the stabiliser wire will mould to the shape of your ear and tuck easily into the bowl of your ear.
5. You’ll know it’s inserted correctly when the wire lays flush against your head – you shouldn’t see anything sticking out when you look directly into a mirror.
What is the correct way to remove a hearing aid?
Removing your hearing aid takes only a few simple steps which, when you’re doing them every day, become muscle memory before long.
Use your thumb to press behind the earlobe to release the hearing aid. It should pop out easily.
Remove the top of the hearing aid from behind your ear. Then place your thumb and forefinger on the cord at the ear canal opening and gently tug the earmold out of the ear canal.
Remove the top of the hearing aid from behind your ear. Then pull the earlobe down slightly. Place your thumb and forefinger on the earmold and gently twist it out.
Your Hearing Technology Experts
If you are unsure how to clean your hearing aids, our team can show you. Join us for a complimentary coffee while we do the cleaning for you! No appointment required, just turn up to your nearest Bay Audio store.